Interactive eLearning Includes:
When and how to use analytics
informs the instructor of each individual's needs
Provides accountability
w/Meaningful User Analytics

Timeliness of feedback is critical
Lets learner know if on the right track
Creates a social element
W/Immediate Feedback

eLearning Interactions Specialist
Towards Deeper, Meaningful Learning Experiences
eLearningChick has been Archived 2018: Please go to for current profile.
Use this site to provide background, pedagogical approach, and still many archived resources to view.
eLearningChick Services:
Develop Interactive Content
Embeddable interactive elements
Entire course modules
Training on H5P
Learning interactions: Pedagogy & Application
Ask about more
Improve User Experience
Usability testing
Course improvements for intuitive user interface
Russell Brown
Assistant Director
Choices Charter School
"I am glad that I attended your workshop. I have attended dozens over the years, but yours was the most significant. I came away with a very valuable asset…for free!
I spent the next few days practicing up on H5P. It is the program I have been waiting for. It transferred very easily into our curriculum, and the learning curve was far shorter than expected. After spending a few hours building some great interactive modules, I was able to instruct a colleague in a very brief time."
Dr. Vince Carbino
Principal Independent Study
City of Angels ISS
Los Angeles Unified SD
"Your presentation was outstanding. You grounded your interactive learning training in the constructivist theoretical framework that serves as the foundation for independent study pedagogy and asymmetrical learning framework of online learning.
Your demonstration of platforms for immediate critical feedback that supports the Teaching and Learning Framework was powerful and helped to remind participants that feedback in asymmetrical learning is critical to negate isolation and burnout in the independent study students.
I encourage others to attend this outstanding professional development."
Ramona Dinger
High School Teacher
Pomona, Ca
"eLearningChick offers amazing training and resources. I highly recommend her to anyone who cares about increasing engagement and improving online interventions with at risk students."
eLearningChick has been Archived 2018: Please go to for current profile.
Use this site to provide background, pedagogical approach, and still many archived resources to view.