More About eLearningChick
Adult Learning
SaaS Specialist
Instructional Designer
Interactivity Specialist
Training Solutions
Conference Presenter
Archived 2018:
Use this page for LINKS only (worksamples, Letters of Rec)
but refer to LinkedIn for CURRENT ABOUT ME
Committed to creating meaningful, authentic learning experiences.
Archived 2018:
Use this page for LINKS only (worksamples, Letters of Rec)
but refer to LinkedIn for CURRENT ABOUT ME
Example of young adult learners, Informal Learning, Community of Practice
eLearningChick is a platform built by Debbie LeAnce as an extension to continue pushing for deeper more meaningful learning in all environments. Please review these links for expanded details:
over 13 years of high school teaching
M.S. in Instructional Science and Technology (CSUMB MIST)
Recipient of UCLA TIIP $30,000 grant, 2011-2012
Recent Trainee at H5P Con in Tromso, Norway (H5P Con 2017)
Founder & Coach of Blended Learning Design Team, SEEO, 2013-2018
Additional "In the News" highlights
Conference Presenter
Archived 2018
Archived 2018:
Use this page for LINKS only (worksamples, Letters of Rec)
but refer to LinkedIn for CURRENT ABOUT ME
Pedagogical Foundation
Most influenced in instructional design and brain science:
E-Learning and the Science of Instruction. Clark and Mayer. 2016.
Most influenced learning theories:​
Toward a unifying framework to support informal learning theory. Victoria Marsick. 2009.
Communities of practice and social learning systems: the career of a concept. Etienne Wenger. 2000.
Transformative Learning: Theory to Practice. Jack Mezirow. 1997.
Learning from others at work: Communities of practice and informal learning. David Boud and Heather Middleton. 2003.